The main indicator to measure whether a brass ball valve manufacturer is advanced, competitive in the market, and whether it can keep ahead of competitors is the ability to produce high-quality skills and technology. With the rapid development of the brass ball valve market, the application and development of core production skills related to it will definitely become the focus of industry companies.
How to transform the global brass ball valve in the future should start from the following aspects:
1. The market trend of brass ball valves follows the movement of oil development to inland oil fields and offshore oil fields, and the development of the power industry from thermal power below 300,000 kilowatts to thermal power, hydropower and nuclear power above 300,000 kilowatts. Brass ball valves should also be applied according to equipment. Field changes correspondingly change its properties and parameters.
2. Many low-pressure brass ball valves are generally used in urban construction systems, and they are developed towards environment-friendly and energy-saving types, that is, from the low-pressure brass gate valves used in the past to environmentally friendly rubber plate valves, balance valves, metal-sealed butterfly valves and midline-sealed butterfly valves transition. Oil and gas transmission projects are being developed in the direction of pipelines, which in turn requires a lot of flat gate valves and ball valves.
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3. The other side of energy development is energy saving, so from the perspective of energy saving, brass ball valves should be developed and developed to high parameters of subcritical and supercritical.
4. The construction of the power station is going to be large-scale, so large-diameter and high-pressure brass safety valves and pressure reducing valves are required, and at the same time, brass ball valves that open and close quickly are also required.
5. To meet the needs of complete sets of projects, the supply of brass ball valves is carried out from a single type to multiple types and multiple standards. There is a growing trend that the brass ball valves required for a project are all supplied by a brass ball valve manufacturer.
NAFCO is one of most specialized brass valve manufacturers in China, with over 20 global service experience. Our products cover brass ball valves, brass gate valves, brass check valves, brass angle valves, brass radiator valves, brass fittings and OEM production, sizes from DN8 to DN100, pressures from PN10 to PN40, which widely used for water, gas, oil and heating systems.
You are welcome to contact us for any questions you have, we will be glad at your service.